What is Passive House : Basic 101
Passive house is a set of guiding principles (initiated in the 70’s and perfected in the 90’s by Dr. Wolfgang Feist) for design and construction of buildings to maximize interior building comfort thermally and with freshest indoor air quality. All of this is achieved “passively” by using minimal fossil fuel energy to the point that it can REDUCE up to 90% of energy use in a building, and therefore contributing significantly toward carbon footprint reduction, while providing the most comfortable indoor environment with great resiliency.
Why do a Passive House?
Would we like to live in place that provides us with the most comfortable indoor living environment possible with the freshest & healthiest air, at the same time, use energy most efficiently and reduce fossil fuel energy use to help save our planet? Can we really use much less energy to do a lot more? A big definite YES! Going passive house is the right step towards achieving this goal while improving the our building conditions for healthier and more joyful lives.
How is Passive House achieved?
There are 5 main principles that work toward achieving the most comfortable and energy efficient home/building: