We are a team of architects and educators who are passionate about addressing adverse environmental conditions for a trans-generational future.
Passive House for Everyone! is the Education Arts arm of ChoShields Studio, A Certified Passive House architectural studio, with over 40 years of experience. ChoShields Studio offers extensive architectural and technical expertise with a strong multidisciplinary approach. The firm practices architecture to strengthen communities through designing and building energy efficient structures.
With ChoShields Studio’s mission to improve everyone’s lives by helping to mitigate climate change through architecture, Passive House for Everyone! was founded to work towards fortifying public policies and empowering current and future generations through education arts at all levels, as well as promoting public awareness. By strengthening our youth’s knowledge and skills in sustainability, they can actively contribute in better serving social and environmental justice.
In is an architect and educator. She is the ultimate cheerleader for all to have healthier and happier lives through sustainable design. Her favorite mode of transportation is by foot.
Tim has an extensive hands-on experience in art, architecture, engineering, science and more. You can ask him anything!
Clara is an architect and educator in NYC. She keeps her carbon footprint low by riding her bike everywhere.
Bernarda exudes a calm and soothing energy which belies her technical and artistic prowess.
Maureen cares deeply for and acts on many of our environmental and social responsibilities.
Anna deploys her talent and interest in the digital and technological aspects of architecture to be up-to-date with the latest and most efficient tools and methods, keeping everyone on their toes.